What I'm listening to right now

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Beginning

Well, as I sit here, having turned down yet another invitation to go drinking with my friends (for a number of reasons), while listening to “Milo Goes to College” for the 180th time, I’ve decided that I’m going to go ahead and carry out an idea I’ve been toying with for the last few months: starting my very own blog. I’ve always been a pretty private person, more prone to keeping thoughts in my head than speaking them simply because I don’t think that what I have to say is uniquely interesting or worth hearing. I don’t even make Facebook statuses. But I’d like to start being more open about a lot of things, and I’d like to start letting people into my life a little more.

“Okay, that’s all fine and great, but why would you want to start a blog?” you might be (very logically) asking. “There are already way too many blogs/Don’t you have better things to do?/Nobody cares about what you have to say.” I wholeheartedly agree. Blogs are usually a waste of everyone’s time. I regularly read exactly one blog on the whole entirety of the Internet. I don’t really expect anyone to read this or for much to come out of this. The main reason I am starting this blog is because I enjoy writing about things I enjoy, and I feel I have a lot to say, while I haven’t had an outlet to do so in quite some time.

So, since college ended and I do not have as many people to debate (argue) with as I once did, I am going to talk to myself and hope the Internet listens (and maybe even talks back once in a while!). If you’ve gotten this far in this post, you deserve a really good high five the next time I see you! I’ll try to get to the point soon.

What should you expect from this blog, should you choose to read it? Well, one thing is for certain: it’s not going to be anything close to a journal or diary. Nobody needs to hear about what I had for breakfast or how cold it was outside today. Instead, I am going to focus on the world at large. Undoubtedly, much of what I write about will inevitably be music-related, and will unfortunately mostly be music-you-haven’t-heard(-but-not-like-in-a-hipster-way-or-anything)-related, due to the fact that listening to music, thinking about music, forcing others into conversations about music, and begging my friends to listen to certain bands are some of my favorite activities.

These types of entries may take the form of:

-album reviews
-feature pieces (where I discuss something like the scope of an artist’s career or their importance in my life/the greater music world)
-simply providing examples of some of the greatest music ever recorded with a certain theme (such as “The Greatest and Most Profound Punk Albums of All-Time”)
-why '90s pop/rock is the greatest of all pop music before or since
-bands that I just don’t get, no matter how hard I try
-bands that I finally get, but only after trying really hard
-why I bother trying to like a band instead of just listening to bands I already like

Additionally, I will be writing (ranting?) about other topics, such as:

-the dreadful plight of the Cleveland Browns
-why more people should watch hockey
-important thoughts about frisbee
-why I hate smartphones and don’t want one
-why I’m still mad that FlashForward and The Class were both canceled after just one season
-why I think Twitter is stupid
-why I’m sick of older people hating on my generation
-why I both love and hate alcohol
-something that made me fall in love with Chicago all over again
-why society has disappointed on a given day
-why society has amazed me on a given day

I’ll even try to make it interesting, too! Basically, this blog will largely concern itself with music and sports, but could also be about literally anything else that I think is worth writing about.

So, that’s all. I hope you choose to read it occasionally, respond if you feel like it, and maybe even share a piece or two with someone you know if you think I wrote something worthwhile for once. Okay, now I’m done for real. Bye!


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