What I'm listening to right now

Friday, February 21, 2014

SONG OF THE DAY: "Bury My Bones" by Pure Love

Okay, so, real quickly, because it's Friday night and it's been a crazy day and I have things to do, here's the SotD!

Pure Love is a British band that formed about two years ago when Frank Carter of the U.K. hardcore band Gallows quit to pursue other interests. Gallows was a very abrasive-sounding band that was quite angry most of the time. That's all well and great if you're in that mood, and, for what it's worth, they were actually much better than most of the bands in that genre. They went beyond just making loud, scary, angry music, instead making thoughtful, almost beautiful arrangements that was also loud, scary, and angry.

I prefer Pure Love much better. They released their first and only album thus far, Anthems, in 2013 to a decidedly mixed response. There were some real bangers on this album, like "Bury My Bones" and "Handsome Devil's Club," but the entire album was just pretty okay. But, "Bury My Bones" should be played at every sporting event for the rest of eternity. It pumps me up so much and just has that sound that would totally work in an arena setting.

This song was the first single from the first album, and the first taste the world had of Carter's new group. It served as a great introduction, leaving no question about what the album would sound like and embody. The first line, right off the bat, reads, "I'm so sick of singing about hate / It's never gonna make a change / It breaks me down, bit by bit / Keeps me steadily feeling sick." So, right there, at the very beginning of the song, you get an explanation of why Carter left Gallows and why Pure Love sounds totally different.

I loved that direct declaration of his intentions. When that song came out, I thought it was the most badass line I'd heard in a while. He basically said that he was was done with his past, and this is the new me. Judge as you will. Listen to "Bury My Bones" below and get ready to put it on your next pump up/party playlist!

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